Bermuda, a semi-tropical island, located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North Carolina. You will have to hire a taxi or a moped to get around the Island, but it's worth it, and it's private and romantic in all ways.
The "REEFS" Designer Necklace reminds me of the beautiful color surrounding Bermuda and The Reefs Resort where we stay. The fabulous gardens of pink and enormous pink beaches against the striking blue ocean is endless and tranquil. Features Cupolini style Pink Coral Vertebrate and Pink Coral smooth round beads with Sleeping Beauty Turquoise nugget gemstones and stabalized Turquoise oval beads. Adorned with generous and illuminating Karen Hill Tribes sterling siilver embellishments and 925 Sterling Silver beads. The REEFS Designer Necklace is finished in front and a lovely toggle clasp made of Sterling Silver from the Karen Hill Tribes, and through the clasp, is 925 Sterling Silver Rolo chain with Sleeping Beauty Turquoise and Pink Coral charms enhanced with Sterling Silver flowers from the Karen Hill Tribes.
Your newest pieces are beautiful! The colors are fabulous together. Reminds me of the Keys. Lovely photo's too.